Industry partners
AVL is the world’s largest privately owned company for development of
powertrains (combustion engines, hybrid systems, electric drive) as well as
simulation and test systems for passenger cars, trucks and marine engines. AVL
has about 3600 employees in Graz (over 700 graduated engineers) and a global
network of 45 representations and affiliates resulting in a total of 8600
employees worldwide. AVL’s Powertrain Engineering division activities are
focused on the research, design and development of various powertrains in the
view of low fuel consumption, low emission, low noise and improved
driveability. The Advanced Simulation Technologies division develops and
markets the simulation methods which are necessary for the powertrain
development work. AVL’s Instrumentation and Test Systems division is an
established manufacturer and provider of instruments and systems for powertrain
and vehicle testing including diagnostic sensors, complete engine, powertrain
and vehicle test beds.
EclipseSource is a software and service provider specialized in open-source
software platforms and technologies in the Eclipse ecosystem. EclipseSource is
one of the world-leading expert companies in various Eclipse technologies and
offers sponsored open-source development, integration, and developer support,
as well as consulting and training on a broad range of Eclipse technologies. In
Vienna, EclipseSource focuses in particular on services around the development
of modeling tools based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and related
frameworks, such as Papyrus UML, Xtext, the Graphical Modeling Framework, EMF
Compare, EMF Forms, as well as development tools, such as CDT and JDT.
EclipseSource supports several international companies in the selection,
efficient combination, and integration of adequate Eclipse-based frameworks, as
well as in the development and customization of underlying modeling
technologies for their domain-specific modeling tools.
Research partners
The research carried out at the Business Informatics Group (BIG) is centered
around model-based software development, software language engineering and
language-oriented programming. In this area, researchers working at BIG have
made major contributions in several fields relevant to HybriDLUX, in particular
software language engineering methods for modeling languages, model execution,
model-level debugging, collaborative modeling and model transformations.
Furthermore, researchers at BIG have experiences in applying MDSD techniques in
different application domains including Web applications, cloud computing,
production systems, and information systems. In the past, the research team has
been involved in numerous national and international research projects,
including fundamental research projects and applied research projects funded by
FWF, FFG, WWTF, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, and
industrial partners.
The institute’s research is centred on software-language engineering and
language-oriented programming, including active development, maintenance, and
research on Open Source software artifacts (in particular, the Next Scripting
Framework NSF). The institute participates actively in world-class
international (e.g., University of Passau on software product lines) and
national collaborations (e.g., University of Vienna on software architecture).